2) everything else

birds on the brain

so happenstance, structures and strategies began as an attempt to understand an artist that i had admired very deeply since i was introduced to his work.  masao yamamoto is a japanese photographer that

homophonic misunderstandings

(phone call) me: so my new web address is:  http://punctum.typepad.com friend: punkdom? me: yes, punctum. friend: well, that's surprising. me: yeah, i was happy it wasn't


Below please find an archive list of all of the posts on this site. * The Persistence of Memory * Words About Pictures: The Ugly Carnival * Past Selves, Meet Yesterday’s Flood * Emi Anrakuji: Mapping

introductions and such

i've been a lurker and a watcher for a couple of years now, reading and learning from other people's posts, musings and rants.  and i've yearned to