does one learn aesthetics or does aesthetics learn you? meaning: is aesthetics a panoply of ideas and concerns one encounters in a ripe and meaningful fashion, something to add to an artistic arsenal that will further give shape and weight to work made--or is it a different kind of encounter, a shoc
beyond my first flush of shock and thinking that this is a photograph i'd never imagined she'd make, i have come instead to see that this image is really a prelude to all the other photographs that i have come to know as arbus's--touching, vulnerable, a little skewed--as if she made this one imprint
what was so extraordinary about black box was that it managed so many things that art usually so stupendously fails at dealing with: things that have to do with politics both past and present; cultural guilt and grief; memory and forgetting; the evocation of universal themes and then the subsequent
to have the knowledge that you seek a particular vein of something is to be aware of not only your tastes, but what influences you, creates bias and division, separates one set of